Platform8 have commissioned Jules Corry to create a photographic response to the themes of Reassembled Slightly Askew by Shannon Yee.
Like Shannon, Jules knows what it is like to move from critical injury and, through rehabilitation, to reassemble a life again.
A local, professional photographer, Jules' works-in-progress explore "What happens next?", in everyday life and behind-the-scenes, in support systems and therapy.
Many thanks to Ruth and Mark at Metal for working with Jules on this project, and to PJ Care for their support both for this project and for the wonderful work they do, including in their Eagle Wood centre in Peterborough.
More info about Jules and PJ Care below. And don't miss the 3 day exhibition, Jules' photographs have the same eloquence as this interview.
Essential Information:
10am - 4pm, Fri 10 - Sun 12 March
City Gallery, Peterborough Museum, Priestgate, PE1 1LF
Jules will be in the gallery for around an hour a day to talk about his work. Please follow @Platform8PBO on social media for updates
It is recommended that audiences for Reassembled see this exhibition AFTER the show (rather than beforehand.)