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Jumped Up Theatre is a Registered Charity so any donation you make will help us deliver more arts and culture activity in Peterborough. Every time we receive a donation it lets us know that our work is valued.

£100 would pay for the costs of a Bollywood dance class. £250 would pay for a workshop for young people. £500 would pay for a free show for families in a local library. £1500 would pay for a Pay What You Can event in a local community.

We are registered with the Communities Aid Foundation who will claim our tax relief on your donation, if you pay income tax.

Give us Feedback

Jumped Up Theatre are constantly looking for feedback on the performances and events we create so we can keep improving our work. We want to hear from you if you’ve ever taken part in, or been to, a Jumped Up Theatre event.

Your feedback means the world to us and helps us to know exactly what the people of Peterborough want from us. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

Become a Sponsor

Jumped Up is constantly reaching out to new and exciting audiences across the country! With the current growth in our activity our reach has never been greater. Now is the perfect time to become a sponsor.

You can sponsor a show, take a page in the brochure, or commission us to work with your staff, clients, or customers. And if there is anything else you had in mind, let us know.

We are more than happy to work with you to create a sponsor package that fits your needs and interests! So get in touch via our Contact Page to start this conversation.

An animated Christmas pudding surrounded by holly and Christmas music sheets. A small sign in the pudding reads: “Paid For By The Rates”.

Image from Workhouse Christmas Production

Image of peterborough city centre with a group of performers in lab coats and audience members seated around them. everyone looks happy and energetic. (Image from ‘find me keep me’ performance)