Whether you're learning to walk, or sharing your art for the first time, courage is something our growth will demand of us. I find comfort in knowing that on the other side of those moments is a sense of achievement and a better version of me. This poem reflects some of those experiences...

a step at a time banner.png

Her big round eyes open softly,

Amplifying her small face,

A new soul…

She sees a colourful blur

An overwhelming rainbow of light

The moon and sun play ring-a-ring-a-roses around the Earth

Colourful gentle flowers dance and float off into the air with the cool wind

The atmosphere melting into visions of orange and brown

In the warmth of her home she looks down and flexes her feet – flower buds for toes

Watching the way they stretch

Up… and down

Like preparation before the Olympics

A hesitant wobble

Rescued by the comforting soft grip of her mother’s and father’s soothing words

She proceeded

nervous but determined

one step… two step…

She becomes familiar with the seasons of the sky as they serve their time year upon year

Her world grows as complex as the solar system

Wrapping her throat and head in thick, stubborn, coarse vines

Silenced and struggling to process the loudness of her mind

She stumbles to the ground, reaching for her pen

Desperately etching in attempt to organise the chaotic thoughts

Desperately etching trying to spell words of reassurance

The only sound she is able to focus on is the screaming of her body

Till finally she is prescribed exchanges of words

So she could stand again

She proceeded

Nervous but determined

One step… two step…

Letters and words vandalising and decorating pages

A place of sanctuary and safety

The webbing of trust between her hand and her pen strengthening with each stroke of ink

Air flowed through her lungs with ease to the rhythm of her words

As she codes her life with combinations of letters

Her mind quietened as the colours in her atmosphere softened

Giving way to the glistening of a mic, calling her like a guiding star

Tempting her with promise of validation and healing

Her fixated mind carried her frozen body

Walking onto the stage

She proceeded

Nervous but determined

One step… two step…

Equipped with her pen, tip as sharp as a sword

Ready for war against her doubt. It shines in the

Light of opportunities. She looks forward, towards

The world, creating a museum with her words

Paper and ink forming her legacy.

Walking towards her destiny

She proceeds, nervous

But determined

One step…

Two step…


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