
pink, green, and yellow text reads 'Be curious. Click, read, watch, listen and zoom in... What's important #RightHereRightNow? To them? To you? @jumpeduptheatre


a think piece by Jen, journalism student and member of the Jumped Up Theatre Sound Board

What defines failure? Or more importantly, who defines it? I have just finished my Level Three BTEC in Create Media Practice, and I’m moving on to study Journalism at degree level - but only because it was my second option, after I wasn’t able to do A-Levels after all: something some may consider a ‘failure’, but I consider it a blessing in disguise. School often teaches us that life is a linear path, with all the jigsaw pieces perfectly slotting together. I think it’s vital that young people know that they have so many options in life and will get second chances if things don’t go the way they hoped, which is why we should destigmatize the concept of failure. 


Failure Content List

Column Three

Failure is learning (Drawing)

Never give up (Drawing)

Dear future me (Poem)

Advice for future year 6s (Audio)

In the future text (Poem)

Put your brave face on (Drawing)

Ask for help (Drawing)

Its okay to cry (Drawing)

Don’t worry (Drawing)

Column Four

Lolly Character (Drawing)

Multicolour Lolly Character (Drawing)

SATs aren’t hard (Drawing)

Don’t worry It’s just SATs (Drawing)

Jealousy poem (Video)

Cheer people up (Drawing)

Green lolly character (Drawing)

Column One

Green character (Drawing)

Letter to my future self (Poem)

Green and pink melting lolly (Drawing)

Don’t beat yourself up (Drawing)

Character with small arms (Drawing)

Always try your best (Drawing)

Look Away (Poem)

Column Two

Dear Friends Letters of Advice (Audio)

Scared rabbit character (Drawing)

Character with thumbs up (Drawing)

Try something new (Video)

I’ve been shot character (Drawing)

Toxic People (Poem)

Keep Calm (Drawing)



Audio file: Dear Friend Letters of Advice Final


00:00:00 Speaker 1

Dear friend, letters of advice

00:0003 Speaker2

Advice for a friend, my advice for you is it's OK? What's the problem it's nothing much. Everybody fails and gets mistakes. You shouldn't be sad because if you are wrong, there are people around you that can help. And if they can't, you can ask me because that's what friends are for. Life might be hard, but don't think negative because if you hang on for a little bit longer everything will get a lot better.

00:00:25 Speaker 3

Don't Be like that if you get everything wrong, some things are easy and not that hard as you think, so are maybe like this. It looks hard but it is easy, people will help you or teachers because teachers help you if you want, not because you are wrong every time. If you want to be more smarter, it helps to be helpful. So sometimes of life makes it more easy for us, so don't worry. My dear friends OK, be happy. And don't worry anymore my friend.

00:01:04 Speaker 4

Hi friend, I just want to let you know that it's OK to fail and be upset but you have to keep trying. Don't let anything you'll bad at bother you instead work on ways to make your weaknesses better. If you fail now and recognise your mistake, you won't fail in the future. If you are still upset you can come to my house and talk to me at any time.

00:01:21 Speaker 5

Hi mate, I hope you're doing well, right. I was really worried. I know you feel upset but please get better ASAP and it’s all right, because lots of people in this world make mistakes. You're not the only one who makes mistakes. Come on mate, cheer up. And whenever you are ready, please e-mail me, call me or please write to me. Honestly, it's OK. Every single person in this universe sometimes makes mistakes, so don't get too sad. And I knew just the best friend cheer up so that cheer up is pick a movie, story, adventure or magical? And make some popcorn or sweets. Talk to some relatives FaceTime on the phone and do not give up. You are strong and do not get sad.

00:02:19 Speaker 6

Dear friend, you don't need to worry about failure. Since the only way to succeed is to fail first. Did you know that fail stands for first attempt in learning, which means you've done great and at least now you know how to do the question I am so glad that you made a mistake. Congratulations. You're learning without a teacher. But just because I said that doesn't mean that you don't have to go to school so don't use it as an excuse, bye.

00:02:39 Speaker 7

Dear friend, I heard about what happened the other day. It doesn't matter that you fail that test. It is not the end of your life. Next time you can do better, just that you failed does not mean that you’re a failure. That test did not matter, honestly my advice would help. So next time you can take it. My advice is to study more and ask for any revision sheets to help you. If you don't want my advice, then at least try your best. You can't pass these tests so easily. Maybe your brain wasn't focusing on the test properly. Anyway, don't get too emotional and don't take it too personally bye.

00:03:11 Speaker 8

If you feel like giving up or you're just upset, please read this letter. It will contain good advice. First of all, never give up. If you give up, you will never achieve your goals. Second, don't feel upset about failure, it means you are learning something new. Third try some, try new things. If you try new things, you can get better at it. Like for example I couldn't hit the ball while playing cricket, but now I can play cricket rounders properly. 4th it is OK to cry about something you are allowed to react to your feelings. 5th winning means you'll getting better at something. Finally, if you're upset about something, you can tell your story to an adult you can trust.

00:04:03 Speaker 9

Hello friend, I hope you're doing well. If you ever feel like you're failing, please come to me. I’ll give you advice how you can become better. My teacher always told me that if you fail something, you become a fail ninja so it doesn't matter if you get something wrong and you still get something good out of it and you always learn from your mistakes.

00:04:22 Speaker All

We are Gladstone Primary Academy this is the right here right now zine for Jumped Up Theatre.

Audio file: Advice for Future Year 6s Final


00:00:00 Speaker 1

Advice for future Year six's

00:00:03 Speaker 2

Try to be happy. Try to be successful in year 6. SATs are so easy. We have we have no golden time. Give your teacher good first impression. Always treat your classmates good. Don't be a bully. Always have fun. Remember to wear your school shoes always or you're going to wear plimsoles always go over things you learned. Don't be rude. Try to study harder.

00:00:35 Speaker 3

Golden time. Good teacher because you are listened to. The people support and help you. Have fun at swimming, teach you how to swim. Watching movies and have fun times you can read a lot of books. SATs are more easier than I thought. Make a lot of friends because you can play with them and have fun and they can support you when you are sad. People have care more about you and they are kind. Kid Carpet show, Enjoy your playtime or break time. PE is more interesting and you can enjoy your time. You don't have to be stressed. Learn about the Victorians and have funny friends

00:01:16 Speaker 4

Year 5 How are you? Don't be scared because year 6 is not that scary. How it's…How it seem. So don't be nervous 'cause when you're in the classroom, don't be upset. It's a bit scary, but the teachers are so nice to you. So by the way. Time is not scary anymore and it's fun because when you feel sad the teachers and your friends help you to do to not be scared too not be sad anymore. So, it's fun to be in year 6. It seems like scary, but it's not like that. OK, so year 6 bit just a bit harder than year 5 not some some things, but it's easy. OK so bye guys.

00:02:07 Speaker 5

Spend a lot of time with your classmates. SATs are not as scary as they seem. Treat your teacher well by making them laugh. Have fun and learn well. Don't stress about anything because there is nothing to be afraid of. If you have any worries just tell your teacher and they will sort it out, be prepared for all of the writing you have to do. Year 6 is really fun to enjoy your time here. Cherish your memories with your class. There's lots of surprises, so be ready. Have fun in swimming by learning how to swim way more than you did before. Always wear your school uniform.

00:02:45 Speaker 6

Be friends with people who will help you before you even have to ask and listen to people who are achieving the grades you want.

00:02:51 Speaker 7

Year 6 is easy, so don't worry. There's lots of stuff that you think might be hard, but everything is just super easy. You have to get way tougher since the teachers are way more stricter and there is no more golden time. Now, the most important bit SATs, my advice is this is absolutely so easy and all you need is a little confidence, and everything will go smoothly.

00:03:13 Speaker 9

Advice for future year 6s, SATs aren't hard teachers are always here to support you when you need help to practise. Make the most of year 6 as it is the last year with all of your classmates teachers and the school itself. You must laugh around and make friends, but only laugh at appropriate times enjoy every day and be thankful for having that day with your school. You should also remember to thank a teacher day to show your teacher that you care about how much effort they show us, it is also good for giving your teacher good impressions.

00:03:44 Speaker 10

Don't stress on your SATs because it's not that hard. You need to concentrate, don't be nervous and then you get something done. It's that there is a lot to learn. The Tudors from Henry the 7th to Elizabeth the 1st and climate change when we have mock SATs. Don't be scared as it not real SATs, but also don't be scared in the real scared in the real SATs 'cause some of them are easy and some are hard. Do your best in all of them.

00:04:20 Speaker 11

The SATs were easier expect that we kept waiting its harder than the SATs your legs, will get tired, get ready for no golden time. Swimming is very fun, very good because it teaches you to swim. The pool is massive, science is fun because you do different experiments, geography is not good. All you do is write, get ready for daily writing it helps you get faster. Help people when they are not good at something. Cheer people up.

00:04:48 Speaker 12

Be ready for a lot of writing in year 6. You are going to so many things like maths English, geography, history, arithmetic you are going to learn many things in year 6. There are very good and helpful teachers. They are teaching you so much. There is extraordinary breaks. You need to be ready because things are more difficult and SATs don't worry.

00:05:19 Speaker 13

Advice for future year 6. Don't be overwhelmed by SATs because the scores won't really affect your future. Be calm and try not to beat yourself up if you think you're not good enough. You should have fun with friends as it will make you feel better, feel happy and make you do better in school work. Year 6 is going to be, a bit harder than year 5 but you keep. But if you keep on practising you get it eventually.

00:05:54 Speaker 14

Don't be afraid of the SATs because they are easy and would basically be what you already learned. Don't get your hopes up for golden time because you're not getting any. Be happy, be friends with people who are willing to help because the end at the end of the day you will be happy and the bad friends will leave you sad. Cherish your memory 'cause time flies. Put your brave face on. Study hard because you don't know what's coming next. SATs are easy. Your teacher would have learnt you it, don't be nervous for year 6. It's the exact same as year 5. Be ready for all the writing because you're going to do 6 pieces near the end of the term.

00:06:32 ALL

We are Gladstone primary Academy. This is the right here right now zine for Jumped up Theatre.

Right Here Right Now is supported by Arts Council England and Think Communities