by Paddleboat Theatre
Sat 13 Oct - 11am + 3pm
Tickets £5pp or £16 for 4
Suitable for children aged 4+ and their families.
PERFORMANCE 1: Sat 13 Oct - 11am
PERFORMANCE 2: Sat 13 Oct - 3pm
@ St John's Church, Cathedral Square, Church St, Peterborough, PE1 1XB
For telephone booking call Key Theatre on 01733 207239
Both public performances of Rustle on Saturday 13 October will include BSL interpretation by Kirsty Dorkenoo.
Imagine that you're far from home, playing in the woods all on your own and all is still and calm and clear - But what's that rustle that you hear?
PaddleBoat Theatre Company are setting up to tell the greatest campfire story ever told: where sleeping bags become monsters, rucksacks become friends, torches illuminate the forest’s darkest secrets.
Join us for an interactive family show full of stories, puppetry, music and mime, and help us survive in the outside world as the sound of rustling gets closer and closer.
Paddleboat Theatre’s Rustle can support Key-Stage learning about nature, adventure and outdoor play, and can tour into schools. Created through a school residency the show explores pupils’ fears and excitement about being in the woods, and models story-telling and role play through imaginative use of simple props and underscored with original music.
Both public performances of Rustle on Saturday 13 October will include BSL interpretation by Kirsty Dorkenoo.
Rustle is available to tour into schools Thurs 11th to Tues 15th Oct please contact for details.
“The Show was so interactive, we were all involved throughout so there were no worries about having to sit still and be quiet, we were too engrossed”
“★★★★ ...utterly Charming, unexpectedly affecting... beautiful, spellbinding – which held the kids in the room enraptured...”
‘Their storytelling is participatory without being awkward and their tone is appropriate without being patronising –a line which is harder to walk than it might seem.’
– StageTalk Magazine.
DON'T FORGET There are FOUR other shows in Season 5 - October 2018 - WHAT ELSE WILL YOU TRY?