What Words Are Ours?
by Talia Randall
Fri 17 May @ 7.45pm
@ The Key Theatre, Embankment Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF
Tickets: £15.50 / £11 each for groups of 10+ / £10 for CDA members
Or call The Key Theatre Box Office on 01733 207239
Age recommendation: 16+
Running time: Approx 90 minus plus interval
Talia Randall presents What Words Are Ours?a thigh-slapping, tear-jerking poetry-cabaret show.
Created and hosted by the “sublime” and “distinctive” Talia Randall, this sell-out, text-based variety show features a kaleidoscope of performances, from drag artists, BSL poets, rising stars of the spoken word scene to masters of puns and political satire.
BSL interpreted and Captioned.
RAYMOND ANTROBUS fresh from winning the Ted Hughes Poetry Award, Raymond Antrobus will be reading from his new book The Perseverance, A Sunday Times and The Guardian Poetry Book of the year. “The Perseverance is a book of loss, contested language and praise, where elegies for the poet’s father sit alongside meditations on the d/Deaf experience”. Penned in the Margins
ZOË MCWHINNY will be performing her incredible Visual Vernacular and BSL poetry. Having grown up immersed in the Deaf community Zoë is nonchalant about, and unashamed of her Deaf identity and sign languages. Zoë’s BSL and Visual Vernacular will be accompanied by a voice artist and BSL interpreter.
To see a video of Zoë performing at What Words Are Ours? click HERE:
AMANI SAEED’s work explores the crisis cultivated by living between sometimes (but not always) contradictory cultures, treading the line between masjid and mini skirt. Amani will be performing her electric, strident and brave poems at the show.
THE PHOENIX is a Lava-tongued fierce-mover will be spitting fiery raps and breakneck moves. High energy, gorgeous & charming
CHARLEY GENEVER - Peterborough Poet Laureate 2016.6. At 24, she is the youngest poet to have been awarded the title. She has worked with and performed for Cambridge Junction, Apples and Snakes, The Poetry Society and Southbank Centre. In April 2016 she performed in the Elgar Room of the Royal Albert Hall at the finals of Poetry Rivals 2015. She has hosted open mic night ‘Pint of Poetry’ and Write Club, and produced a quarterly spoken word night ‘Freak Speak’ in Peterborough.
Trailer for What Words Are Ours? HERE
Website: www.taliarandall.com
Twitter: @taliarandall
Insta: @talia_randall
Your host…Talia Randall
Raymond Antrobus
Zoë MchWhinney
Amani Saeed
Charley genever
DON'T FORGET There are 6 other shows in Season 6 - May 2019 - WHAT ELSE WILL YOU TRY?